SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, reviews and revises its content and guidance methods over time to incorporate advances in analytical instrumentation and techniques to improve method performance. Subsequent to these method revisions, laboratories generally are allowed flexibility in method selection for specifically meeting the regulatory needs of the RCRA program or for meeting project specific objectives as required for existing permits, consent decrees, waste analysis plans or other sampling and analysis plans.
For the analysis of volatile organic compounds by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), Accutest New Jersey has been supporting both Methods 8260B and 8260C for the past several years. Some states have adopted and provide oversight for only the latest version of the method, some only allow the older version to be used, while other states may recognize both methods. For example, since October of 2013 New York State has required the use of method 8260C exclusively, which necessitated a switch to that version for work being done in that state. States such as South Carolina and California only allow 8260B to be used at this time.
Effective April 6, 2015, Accutest New Jersey will be switching all 8260 analysis to the most current 8260C version of the method. Environmental samples received from California or South Carolina will be analyzed at our Florida laboratory, which maintains 8260B certification for those states. We are requesting that your QAPPs, Workplans and other documents be updated as necessary to note this method revision. Please contact your sales representative or project manager if you need any method details that need to be included in these documents.
On the following page is a technical summary of the major differences between the two methods. Accutest appreciates the opportunity to continue to serve your analytical needs. Please contact an Accutest Client Services Representative at (732) 329-0200 if you need additional assistance or have questions pertaining to the method update. March 2015