Dr. Bharat Chandramouli Presentation and Poster at AEHS West Virtual Conference

Join PFAS expert Dr. Bharat Chandramouli at the AEHS West Virtual Conference from March 14-17, 2022. An innovative presentation and poster will highlight our global ecosystem of environmental analysis capabilities including PFAS and EPA ATP 16130.

AEHS West Virtual Conference

This is the 31st Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air. For the past thirty years, this annual conference has helped bring the environmental science community closer together by providing a forum to facilitate the exchange of information of technological advances, new scientific achievements, and the effectiveness of standing environmental regulation programs.


SGS expert, Dr. Bharat Chandramouli will present on EPA ATP 16130 and Advances in the Measurement of Dioxins and POPs by GC-MS/MS on March 14th, 2022 in Session 04: Chlorinated Compounds 1 at 10:00 AM Pacific Time. 
Promulgated methods such as EPA 1613B for the analysis of chlorinated dioxins and furans, PCBs, and other halogenated compounds currently use GC-HRMS (high resolution magnetic sector mass spectrometry) to achieve high sensitivity, specificity, and reliable quantification. These techniques have been used to inform decades of remediation and litigation projects. Tune in to learn more about our unique objectives, analysis and techniques.


Catch Dr. Bharat Chandramouli’s poster on Occurrence of PFAS in Wastewater and Leachate Streams and Best Practices from on March 14th, 2022 from 12:00 – 3:00 PM Pacific Time. 

Monitoring of PFAS across wastewater compartments is a critical tool in assessing fate, transport, effects, and exposure. Two decades worth of PFAS monitoring have focused on a short list of carboxylates and sulfonates as PFOA and PFOS. Given the phaseout of C8, perfluorinated acid chemistries and their replacement with shorter chain, telomer, and per/polyfluoro ether equivalents, there is an urgent need to understand their occurrence and fate across the wastewater system.
Attendance at this virtual conference requires registration and a fee.
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