Water Monitoring Services
SGS offers a range of services to support the legislative and due-diligence water monitoring requirements of mining operations including drinking, ground, surface and waste waters.
- Metals Analysis
- Arsenic and Selenium Speciation
- Cyanide Speciation
- General Chemistry (pH, Alkalinity, Conductivity, Ammonia, Nitrates and many others)
- Petroleum Hydrocarbons
- Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
- Pesticides
- Dioxins and Furans
- Polychorinated Biphenyls (PCB)
- Per- and PolyFluoroalkyl (PFAS)
- Radiological Testing
- Microbiology Testing
Rock & Tailings Services
Contaminated sites investigations are crucial for effective soil management and rehabilitation at the end of a mine’s life cycle.
SGS Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) services help minimize environmental liabilities by accurately predicating and mitigating acidic water outflow from mining operations. As industry leaders in ARD testing and method development, we analyze the acid-producing potential of tailings, ores and waste rock at any site. Our comprehensive ARD testing service offers preventative strategies and practical solutions, ensuring reduced environmental impacts and long-term sustainability for your operations.
Our scope of static ARD tests includes:
- Modified Acid Base Accounting
- Quebec MA.110 ACISOL 1.0 (CEAEQ)
- EN 15875 (European Norm ABA test)
- EPA Standard Acid Base Accounting
- Net Acid Generation (NAG) test
- Diagnostic mineralogy to identify
- Sulphur mineral speciation
- Non-iron bearing sulphides
- The reactivity of sulphide minerals using X-Ray diffraction (XRD)
Our scope of kinetic ARD tests includes:
- Standard humidity cell testing
- Column testing (subaerial, subaqueous, packed up flow)
We use statistically robust high-definition mineralogy to determine parameters rapidly and objectively, such as:
- Mineral abundance
- Mineral and phase chemistry
- Grain size and particle size
- Texture analysis
- Element deportment
- Liberation and association
Our high-definition mineralogy transforms data into actionable insights and practical solutions backed by a world-class team of mineralogical experts guaranteeing quality results, adding significant interpretive value addition at every stage of your project.
We deliver trusted mineralogical solutions through the development and support of the most advanced technologies, including:
- X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- Optical Microscopy and image analysis
- Heavy Liquid Separation
- Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
- Electron microprobe analysis (EMPA)
- Laser ablation (LA-ICP-MS)
- SIMS (both dynamic and TOF)
Air Testing
Air analysis for volatile components is performed using methods from the USEPA Air Toxics Method Compendium. Method selection is specific to State programs which are geared towards reducing the exposure of the general public to hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). These programs focus on ambient and indoor air quality testing. They can also be applied to soil gas analysis, which is used as a less expensive indicator of underlying volatile organic groundwater and soil contamination.
EPA 325 Fenceline Monitoring
We exceed your fenceline monitoring needs with expertise, reliability, quality and value. US EPA Method 325: Volatile Organic Compounds from Fugitive and Area Sources is now available. We provide all the tools you need to monitor VOC emissions, ensuring thorough, precise and cost-effective fenceline monitoring results. Learn more