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Find our PFAS User Guide here.
We offer high-capacity drinking water analysis in support of proposed EPA regulatory MCL limits and US state limits. Our reporting limits drinking water are significantly lower than EPA requirements.
We offer fully accredited DoD QSM 5.4 Table B-24 compliant analysis using EPA 1633 draft in aqueous, solids, tissue and AFFF samples to support all your DoD project needs. SGS was one of the first commercial laboratories to be accredited under the DoD QSM framework for PFAS and the first network to achieve EPA 1633 accreditation under QSM 5.4 Table B-24. Our two accredited locations provide you the most versatile network whether you need high-capacity low TAT analysis or highly specialized, low reporting limit analysis.
Measurement options include
As a pioneer in PFAS analysis since 2004, we offer a variety of PFAS solutions from ultra-low reporting limits for ambient monitoring to high-capacity low TAT measurement for contaminated sites and due diligence work. We are fully accredited in aqueous, solids, tissue and serum analysis and can support complex multi-year, multi-compartment studies on ambient monitoring. Our range of analytical solutions for contaminated sites and ambient monitoring include:
With our 2 decades of PFAS experience and deep stable of PFAS experts, SGS is your trusted partner to provide you with accurate and appropriate data to test, pilot and commercialize your remediation technologies. We can partner with you on your SERDP/ESTCP grants, provide customizations on standard analyses, and more! Our options include
We have supported nationwide wastewater treatment plant occurrence and mass balance studies on PFAS for 15+ years, and as PFAS moves to a regulated contaminant with NPDES requirements, we are here for all your wastewater, sludhe and biosolids work. Our recommended approaches include
We have supported large-scale tissue and serum studies since 2004 across North America and are an unquestioned leader in tissue analysis. Worried about bile acids interferences in your tissue, egg or milk samples? We have incorporated bile acid checks in our PFAS methods since 2009, and they are now incorporated into EPA 1633 Draft as well. Our human testing experience dates back to the C8 project in West Virginia and we have supported large nationwide studies, legal settlement monitoring and more. Our approaches include
Our experienced scientist team and 2 decades of PFAS work mean we are well equipped to be your development and customization partner. With a dedicated and fully resourced development team, we can offer clear development and validation deadlines and deliverables not dependent on busy operations schedules and more. Our methods almost always incorporate analytical best practices such as isotope dilution from the beginning and are designed to perform large-scale studies under ISO-17025 or equivalent standards. Over the years we have developed methods for the US EPA, DoD and multiple commercial entities. We continue to push the envelope on PFAS analytical leadership with peer-reviewed articles and presentations on PFAS issues including subsampling/adsorption of PFAS, filtration issues, stability of PFAS, interferences in tissue analysis and more.
When you need to dig deeper for source attribution, PFAS fate or fingerprinting, we have availability of a number of analytical tools at your disposal. They include